IPwnder v1.1 for windows free tool put Pwnder without mac

IPwnder v1.1 for Windows which was made by GautamGrea FB account https://www.facebook.com/realGautamGreat is used to put the iPhone in pwnd mode from iPhone DFU mode easy and simple to use from window no need mac

iPwnder v1.1 driver

before doing any procedure you must download driver, if there is no driver, iPwnder v1.1 cant work sir


Download iPwnder v1 link

iPwnder v1.1

Below it’s an example of iPwnder v1.1 and how it’s works

iPwnder v1.1 in order to complete the procedure on how to put the iPhone in pwnder mode you must put iPhone into DFU mode am shown picture below and then click on the Run Ipwnder button to process it you will wait for it to complete

iPwnder v1.1 for windows new tool put your device into Pwned Dfu mode
iPwnder v1.1 for windows new tool put your device into Pwned Dfu mode

Searching for device in DFU…Ok
Getting device information…

CPID : 0x8000
CPRV : 0x20
CPFM : 0x03
SCEP : 0x01
BDID : 0x04
IBFL : 0x1C
ECID : 0x0000047589B8FA28
SRTG : iBoot-2234.

Checking device pwned status…Fail (Not Pwnd)
Doing DFU Transfer test…Ok
Searching for device in DFU…Ok
Generating device payload data…Ok
Doing CheckM8 Heap-Spray…Ok
Searching for device in DFU…Ok
Setting device global state…Ok
Searching for device in DFU…Ok
Sending payload to device…Ok
Searching for device in DFU…Ok
Checking device pwned status…Ok

Developed by GautamGreat
All Done
Elapsed Time : 14 seconds

how you will know if the phone to in pwnder mode check below

Searching for a device in DFU…Ok
Getting device information…

CPID : 0x8000
CPRV : 0x20
CPFM : 0x03
SCEP : 0x01
BDID : 0x04
IBFL : 0x1C
ECID : 0x0000047589B8FA28
SRTG : iBoot-2234.

Checking device pwned status…Ok (iPWNDER)

iPwnder v1.1 fixes NONE Pwnder

when you face this problem like the below on unlock tool or another tool

Checking for device… OK
Info : iPhone 6s [iPhone8,1-n71ap] Boot : [IBOOT-2234.] [DFU] Pwnder : NONE

UNLOCKTOOL 2022.10.24.0
Elapsed time : 5 seconds