how to Create new Ha Tunnel Files for Free Internet Trick For All ISP 2023 – ha tunnel plus config files

How to Create Hat Files HA tunnel Plus files VPN for Free Internet Trick for All ISPs ha tunnel plus config files

From this point forward, I will demonstrate How To Create Ha Tunnel Files. The phrases “unlimited internet access” and “free internet surfing method” should pique the interest of anyone looking to reduce their online expenditures. We’ve uncovered the most cost-effective methods for obtaining free internet access.

However, for the purposes of this essay, I will concentrate on how to access free internet using the Ha Tunnel Plus tunneling application.

also see: how to unlock ha tunnel files

What is free internet?

This is not a question for regular readers of Techfoe. I shall proceed to clarify for those who have never read it before. The internet that you can access for free is known as free internet

Yes. Some may reply, “Nah, it’s impossible,” but then it becomes real and feasible. This has already been done. We offer well-written instructions that have assisted many people in obtaining theirs. This brings us to our next question.

How can you get an internet connection for free with Ha Tunnel Files?

If you’re new to the site or don’t understand the phrases used when configuring a free internet connection, I recommend reading this article before proceeding to the next stage.

There are numerous ways to obtain a free internet connection from any internet service provider worldwide.

Regardless of where you live or which network you use. All you need to do is analyze your network and then locate a simple way to get a free internet connection. Some networks need extra time due to their complexity.

Vodacom, MTN, CellC, and Safaricom are examples of ISPs. Because all networks provide free internet access, your network’s name and location are irrelevant. Many guides have been made to assist you in obtaining free internet.

This link will assist you in obtaining a free internet connection via host + open port + proxy, port scan to obtain free internet, or the reverse domain approach, which most people overlook.

Another post I authored discussed employing deceptive tactics to provide people with free data and airtime calling credits. You can also acquire a free spam solution that provides up to a Terabyte of surfing data.

Although I would encourage that anyone interested in learning how to create free Internet access check the links above, I have also created an easy approach to obtain a working bug host/SNI that can be used to provide Internet access for free.

Also check: Unlimited HA Tunnel Plus free Config Files latest (FREE FEB 2023) Download

HA tunnel plus hat files

Using a variety of tunneling software, you can gain unrestricted internet access. Today, we will concentrate on the Ha Tunnel Plus VPN app because it has many more functions than other tunneling programs.

Is that a tunnel?

Is that a tunnel? When tunneling for free internet, it sounds more like you’re laughing (haha ha ha ha ha), hence the moniker Ha Tunnel (LOL) was picked. Please excuse my ignorance; I have no idea how this moniker came to be.

When you Google “Ha Tunnel Plus,” you’ll get results like “Ha Tunnel Plus iPhone,” “Ha Tunnel Plus Windows,” and so on. Because the software is so successful, many users want it to be offered on other operating systems.

Ha Tunnel Plus is the most popular app among free internet users. It combines the greatest aspects of Psiphon and Finch VPN, as well as HTTP Injector, into a single tunneling program. It does not necessitate the creation of an account, which must be renewed every 3 to 7 days.

  • The app’s developers are also quite active and regularly provide updates.
  • Configure the Ha Tunnel Plus work-free Internet technique.
  • Here’s the real deal.
  • This tutorial will show you how to configure a free and functional internet connection.
  • All of the strategies mentioned in this post are applicable to any ISP network on the planet, including your own.
  • Also see: How to obtain a free proxy server that provides free internet access on any network worldwide.
  • All Ha Tunnel free internet access possibilities will be discussed.
  • There are a few items you will need before we can begin configuring the settings.


  • Download the most recent version of the Ha Tunnel Plus VPN app.
  • SIM card – Any SIM card, with no data or airtime (for those who are going to be using theirs as the tutorial goes on)
  • You wish to put the current host/SNI to the test (please read this article before you jump).
  • While making a net trick for free might be enjoyable and simple, it can also be frustrating.
    You must be patient.

1. Direct interconnection:

This method’s stages are straightforward and do not necessitate any particular abilities.

Continue reading to learn more.

When to Use: This strategy is useful when your network’s server has an open port or you wish to use social media packs or other similar subscriptions to receive free internet access on your device.

This strategy is not always dependable, but it is part of what makes it so popular.

  • Download the Ha Tunnel Plus app.
  • Navigate to Connect Mode to enable Custom Setup.
  • Select Direct Connection from the drop-down menu. (Internet)
  • In the upper right corner, click Select port. Then, from the drop-down option, select the port you want to utilize.
  • Then, go to Select Server to select the server you want.
  • You can also keep the default server.
  • To begin, click and wait for the connection to be formed.
  • Visit the Log section for further information about your connection status.

2. TCP Mode: User-Defined Payload


This is where the adventure begins.
This connection employs TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), allowing consumers free Internet access.
Even though it is not expressly stated, this uses the HTTP method.

When to use: This is for methods that allow limitless free access without requiring payment. It is also appropriate for social media packs and eLearning bundles. The Orange network will use this Sierra Leone host.

  • Download the Ha Tunnel Plus app.
  • Navigate to Connect Mode to enable Custom Setup.
  • Click the drop-down icon to select Custom Paymentload (TCP Mode).
  • In the upper left corner, press the hamburger button.
  • You can view the exact screenshot by clicking on Paymentload Generator.
  • Let’s look at some of these approaches.
  • You can enter your host/SNI here.
  • It allows you to circumvent your ISP’s restrictions and gain free Internet access.

Also read: How To Create new Ha Tunnel Plus Files hat file For Free Internet Access

  • Method This is how you inject to fool your ISP (HTTP requests). You can select the one that best suits you from the drop-down menu.
  • HTTP-Bug Is there an HTTP problem on your host? Most certainly, yes.
  • Because it performs the GET work, it should be your primary choice for configuration.
  • This is a unique approach for forcing your connection through.
  • GET If the HTTP-Bug technique fails, this should be your backup plan. GET does an excellent job.
  • The GET method retrieves data straight from the web server to which you are delivering it.
  • CONNECT This unpopular approach allows you to construct an HTTP tunnel by employing a proxy server.
  • This is a popular approach for establishing SSL connections, but it can also be used to establish HTTP tunnels.


3. Custom Host Header HTTP mode

First and foremost, it is not something I utilize. HTTP Mode is specified, however, there’s nothing there save the name and a Payload. The creators of this app should have provided the guy with a payload generator, exactly like they did with TCP.

If you must connect via HTTP rather than TCP/SSL, I recommend using an HTTP Proxy. You can still input your Custom host and then select the port from the SelectPort section. You can also check the log section to see how your connection is doing.

4. Custom SNI SSL, TLS Mode 

The SNI is another option for gaining free internet access to the Ha Tunnel Plus app (Server Name Indication). This strategy is quite common since tricks that can be done overnight are more trustworthy. Tricks tunneled across HTTP, TCP, UDP, and so on. They are readily blocked when shared with several people. Your ISP is likely to be aware of these approaches.

SNI was hardly utilized until recently. This approach is still in its early stages and may not be available in your location, which may be good news for you. This strategy can be used for a variety of pranks. Unlimited free access is available, as well as social media packages, hosting, and eLearning bundles.

I’ll utilize to connect to Telikom Papua New Guinea and to connect to MTN Ghana. For individuals in urgent need, there is a simple technique to obtain SNI/hosts. It is worthwhile to take a look at it.

  • Download the Ha Tunnel Plus app.
  • Navigate to Connect Mode to enable Custom Setup.
  • Custom SNI should be selected from the drop-down menu icon (SSL, TLS Mode).
  • You can now enter your SNI into the Custom SNI field. Tick Use Realm Hosting (v2), and then click Start.
  • Alternatively, this

Please keep in mind that I used the host that I stated I would use. You are free to use your own host rather than those I have advised. Try to include www. If you are having trouble establishing a connection via SNI, try adding www.

Consider the attempt to utilize as an example. It was ineffective. We’ll try without the www immediately. If you get an issue when trying to utilize, just append www to the end. This little mistake may cause your connection to fail.


Ha Tunnel Files dnstt tunnel

According to A DNS tunnel is one way of circumventing network censorship. A recursive DNS resolver’s purpose is to receive packets and forward them somewhere else—in effect, working as a kind of network proxy. DNS tunnels over plaintext UDP are generally considered easy to detect because of the unusual DNS messages they use. However DoH and DoT are encrypted—an outside observer can see that you are communicating with a public resolver, but cannot decrypt the raw DNS messages to see that they embed a tunneling protocol. (The resolver itself can still easily tell that you are using a tunnel.)

in order to get free internet access you need to find a local name sever(ns) like google DNS: or Cloudflare: After get put to DNS server edit text then click button enjoy

also check: Hero dnstt v1.1 apk Free Download | Hero dnstt apk Free Internet Trick


6. How to export Ha ha.hat Free Internet File

You must have finished the settings to ensure that your setup is operational.

  • Select Export Configuration from the hamburger menu.
  • Click on Export Config to view the following.

Enter the filename here.

  • Include a description/message
  • This section is where you may talk about the.
  • Anti-Sniff settings file
  • This stops the configuration from being intercepted Mobile Data.
  • This option restricts access to the settings to individuals who are connected to the mobile network.
  • This is ineffective for WiFi users.
    Root Suppression
  • This prevents Android users from rooting their smartphones.
  • Users will need a password to access the Configuration page in order to enable this functionality. File Expiry
  • Date This is used to specify an expiration date for the config.
  • Click the Export button to save the configuration to the Ha Tunnel Plus folder.

Also, you can read tunnel and get unlimited internet from Vodafone Egypt

hOW TO Import Ha Tunnel Files free Internet file

Ha Tunnel Files how to Create HA Tunnel Plus FILE for Free Internet Trick For All ISP 2023

  • Select Import ha tunnel vpn files from the hamburger menu.
  • Locate and select the configuration you want to import.
  • When the upload is complete, click start to wait for the connection.



If you follow the procedures in this post, you will be able to try different methods to increase your ability to make free Internet tricks. Please leave any questions or remarks in the comments area. I’ll also talk about new ways to gain internet connectivity that you may not be aware of. Meanwhile, I need to finish certain aspects of the Ha Tunnel Plus post.