Easy way How To Create HA Tunnel Plus VPN Free Internet Trick Hat Files For All ISP

How to Create HA Tunnel Plus VPN-Free Internet Trick Hat Files for All ISP

  • Method To trick your ISP, this is how you inject (HTTP requests). You can choose the one that suits you best from the drop-down.
  • HTTP-Bug Does your host have an HTTP bug? Most likely, it is. This is why it should be your first choice for configuration because it does the GET work. This is a specific method that forces your connection through.
  • GET This should be the second option you choose if the HTTP-Bug method fails. The job is done well by GET. The GET method pulls data directly from the web server you are sending it to.
  • CONNECT This method, which is not very popular, allows you to create an HTTP tunnel using a proxy server. This is a popular method for SSL connections but can also be used to create HTTP tunnels.
  • HTTP Version We might get off-topic. You can find three versions of HTTP in this article:
  • HTTP/1.0 This man is getting old and will soon be retiring. It is not necessary to use it unless your are certain of what you are doing.
  • HTTP/1.1 This is the most popular version of HTTP currently in use. This should be your preferred destination to avoid any problems.
  • HTTP/2 This guy is faster and better than HTTP/1.1. Although it offers better performance and reduced latency, it has not been widely adopted as the former.
  • HTTP HEADERS This section allows the transfer or communication of data between a Web server and a client using an HTTP request or reply.
  • Keep alive: This header of general type allows the sender limit the number of requests and how long a persistent link should remain open. This option is required for your connection.
  • User Agent: This request head acts as a middle man that retrieves, renders, and facilitates end-user interaction. It is essential for internet surfing.
  • Webhost: Let’s not get too complicated. This is your webserver, and you absolutely need it.
  • Forwarded for: This allows this app to access endpoint information. This should only be enabled ……by necessity I mean when the main option isn’t working for you.

I will not be able discuss Close Referrer and Forward Hosting. I am already doing my best to get rid of this post.

This is what I got from the Sierra Leone Orange Free Host (moh.gov.sl). After you’re done click on Generate.

You will be taken to a second page after clicking Generate. Here you will need to confirm your details. To apply the Ha Tunnel Plus settings, click Apply if you are satisfied with it.

After clicking Connect, wait for the connection process to complete. For information about your connection status, you can also view the log section.

3. Custom Host Header (HTTP mode ):

First, it is not something I use. HTTP Mode is listed there, but you don’t see anything except the name and a Payload. This app’s makers should have given the guy a payload generator, just like they did with TCP.

If you must connect via HTTP, and not TCP/SSL, I recommend that you use an HTTP Proxy. Take a stroll if you don’t have one.

You can still enter your Custom host, and then choose the port that it will run on from the SelectPort section. You can also check the log section to see the status of your connection.

4. Custom SNI (SSL-TLS Mode strong>

Another method for getting free internet access to the Ha Tunnel Plus app is the SNI (Server Name Indication). Because tricks that can be done overnight are more reliable, this method is very popular. Tricks tunneled via HTTP, TCP, UDP, etc. When shared with multiple users, they can easily be blocked. Your ISP is likely to have information about these methods.

SNI was not used often until recent years. This method is still relatively new and may not be supported in your area, which could be good news for you.

Use this method for any number of tricks. You can get unlimited free access, as well as social media bundles, hosts and eLearning bundles. I will use cdc.gov to access Telikom Papua New Guinea and to access MTN Ghana.

There is an easy way to get SNI/hosts for those who have urgent needs. It is worth taking a moment to look at it.

  • Get your Ha Tunnel Plus app
  • To enable Custom Setup, go to Connect Mode
  • Select Custom SNI from the drop-down menu icon (SSL, TLS Mode).
  • Now you can type your SNI into the Custom SNI area. Make sure to tick Use Realm Hosting (v2),, and then Start.
  • Oder this

Note: I used the host I mentioned I would use. You can use your own host, not those I have recommended. Try adding www. If you encounter an issue while trying to establish a connection using SNI, try adding www.

Let’s take, for example, the attempt to use www.cdc.org. It didn’t work. We will now try cdc.org without the www. If you encounter an error while trying to use cdc.org, simply add www to the end. This small error could prevent your connection from working.

5. How to export Ha Tunnel Plus. Hat free Internet file

To make sure that your configuration is working, you must have completed the settings.

  • Click on the hamburger icon, then Export Configuration
  • Click on Export Config to see the following.
  • Filename Enter the file name
  • Add Description/Message This section is for discussing the.hat configuration file
  • Anti-Sniff This prevents config from getting sniffed
  • Mobile Data This option will only allow those connected to the mobile network to access the configuration. This will not work for WiFi users.
  • Block Root This will prevent Android users from rooting a rooted device
  • Password To enable this feature, users will need to have a password to access the Configuration File Set Expiry This is used for setting an expiry date to the configuration.
  • Click on Export to export the configuration to Ha Tunnel Plus folder.

Import Ha Tunnel Plus. Hat free Internet file

  • Click on the hamburger icon, then Import Configur
  • Find the config you wish to import, and click on it.
  • Once it uploads successfully, click on start to wait for the connection.

Round up:

Follow the steps in this article and you can try other ways to improve your ability to create free Internet tricks. Please feel free to ask us any questions in the comments section.

I’ll also discuss new ways to get internet access that you guys don’t know about. In the meantime, I have some parts of the Ha Tunnel Plus post to complete. These are:

  • How to get more time with Ha Tunnel Plus tunneling app
  • How to speed up Ha Tunnel Plus Internet and avoid common mistakes